GodSlayers: Gyptia Land of the Forgotten TitansDreadJim on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dreadjim/art/GodSlayers-Gyptia-Land-of-the-Forgotten-Titans-527623864DreadJim

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GodSlayers: Gyptia Land of the Forgotten Titans



me all new series sporting a fantasy world in which mythical races based on our own world lives~
All resemblance and characters are purely coincidental and fictional.

Dreadjim Original IP. Inspired by the Bible.

 In the beginning there was the One. The One breathe life into the world and there was many different lifeforms and Gaia was birthed. Gaia helped the One bring forth life into things and took care of nature and the cycles of eternity. Everything was perfect and vitality was abundant. Til one day, the One decided to make Man, in his image, in his glory and light.

Man was the beloved of the One, and had favors and ruled everything on the universe. One day, an group of proud and scheming Eldar, ancient ones from The One's realm, corrupted man and the seed of man was forever changed. The Eldars tried to take matters into their own hands and were banished from their natural realms, into the world Man lived in. Man and Eldar mixed and interbred, and thus borne a new series of species into the world.

There are currently two groups of Man- the Etherians from the Northern parts of the world who still believe and worship the One, and the Southern men called the Illume or "Illuminated", self-proclaimed enlightened mankind who also workship the Eldar, and many other forms of different gods they believe to be real.

There are the titans, Eldar offspring who possess red skin and are cursed with Chaos. There are the Tainted, or Godlike, depending on which side of the coin you are looking at, these are the ones who are born with strange and abnormalities of the world's elements, and are also the hybrid sons and daughters from the corrupted Eldar and Men.
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