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Fakemon: 125 - 126



And here we have the traditional useless fish and it's Awesome evolution. Don't ask me what kind of fish the prevolution is, I have no idea. the dragon however, is based on the Azure Dragon, Seiryu.

073. Blubbelame (Blubber - Lame)
Type: Water
Species: Blubberfish
Abililty(s): Hydration

evolves into Azureryu at level 30

HP: 20
ATK: 80
DEF: 15
SPD: 20
Total: 200

Start Splash
15 Tackle
30 Flail

Blubbelame are body are mostly fat, making them a not very good catch for fishermen. They are very dimwitted too, some fisherman can catch the same Blubbelame shortly after throwing it back into the water.


074. Azureryu (Azure - Ryu (Dragon))
Type: Water/Dragon
Species: Ocean Dragon
Abililty(s): Hydration

HP: 95
ATK: 50
DEF: 89
SPATK: 125
SPD: 100
Total: 560

Start Water Gun
Start Wrap
5 Water Sport
9 Dragon Breath
13 Water Pulse
17 Twister
21 Recover
25 Brine
30 Dragon Rage
30 Maelstrom
33 Rain Dance
37 Hydro Pump
41 Aqua Ring
45 Dragon Dance
49 Dragon Pulse

TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM55 Scald
TM60 Quash
TM68 Giga Impact
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM97 Flood
HM03 Surf
HM05 Waterfall
HM06 Dive

Signiture move: Maelstrom (Water 80pwr 15pp) The user unleashes it's rage and creates a huge oceanic storm. This move creates the effects of rain dance for 5 turns. The user will attack all other pokemon on the field for each of those 5 turns. The user becomes confused afterwards.

Upon evolution, Blubbelame become a might sea dragon: Azureryu, able to whip up great sea storms when it unleashes it's vengeful wrath. They usually dwell in the deepest depths of the ocean when calm.
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1500x892px 636.13 KB
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TheRobotPenguin1's avatar

Another weak fish that evolves into a more powerful and awesome sea creature? Awesome!

Total Magikarp and Feebas vibes from it. :)