Dramione-Fever's avatar


Catch the Dramione Fever
Years Ago
326 Members347 Watchers

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Hi! I just joined your fantastic group today, and would love to post my artwork on your page...it is sexually explicit, so I want to have permission before I add anything...

Thanks! :)
A really well written dramione fanfic is frostfootdreamleaf22's Green Games.
Hello everyone. I have a fan fiction going for Dramione over here.
Hey thanks for letting me in! 

How do I post deviations on here?
Thanks for the approval it's beyond amazing to find so much dramione in one place my shipper heart is bursting! <3
how do i go about adding a story here
you upload it like a submit it on your page and then after you finished uploading on your DA page you come to this page and add it here :)