Hope FlyerwayDraken413o on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/draken413o/art/Hope-Flyerway-583730846Draken413o

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Hope Flyerway



Singapore City

Hope flies away. Was really hoping for an amazing display of light for the sunset but a giant cloud came and swallowed up the sun leaving much to be desired.

Canon 5d Mk 3 | Canon 17mm TS-E f4L | ISO 100 | f 14.0 | focal length 17mm (veritically shifted 4 exposure digital blend with one additional exposure with Haida 10 stop filter for the water.) 09012016


© Jonathan Danker
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1200x661px 449.88 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Draken413o
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rishmogha's avatar

Good Colours and focus work. Captured nicely. Look forward to more works like this.