Drake1132 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/drake1132/art/Quantum-Surge-528700397Drake1132

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Drake1132's avatar

Quantum Surge



The initial thumbnail looses some detail, so I highly recommend zooming in to full resolution.

Another fractal manipulation.  This is actually a composite of two different raw fractals.  It makes me think of the surge of quantum energy a brief micro-moment after a nuclear fission event, but also conjures thoughts of supernova and other star bursts.  So for me it brings to mind, paradoxically, the microcosmos and the macrocosmos simultaneously.  Of course, that's just me.

Another 1920x1080 wallpaper.

Raw fractals were designed and rendered in JWildfire v.2.00a1.
Compositing completed in Photoshop CC.
Image size
1920x1080px 7.93 MB
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liquae's avatar
I like the patterns you have here.  I can't help but feel if it had more colors it would be a lot nicer.   However, as it, it's very nice.