Rules of Stock revised yet again...

2 min read

Deviation Actions

Drake-Stock's avatar
Welcome to Drakkonnen's Stock page...

House Rules:

:bulletred:Respect the Artist
The images provided herein are for the use of DeviantArt members only, and thus are supplied with the proviso that stock taken from this site be used solely for DeviantArt purposes (i.e. images uploaded to DeviantArt, not Flicker or ImageShack or some wierd Russian site with way too many banners just DA o.k!)  

:bulletred: Credit and link to me or the original (Stock image) please.
If you use my stock please credit me in the description (Artist Comments)of your deviation and provide a link either to the stock item/pack used or my main (stock)page.

:bulletred:Commercial Use of Stock
If you would like to use any stock provided on this site for commercial purposes(The term "Commercial" refers to anything that one stands to make profit from in any way, i.e. DA Prints, Cafe Express etc.) I basically expect nothing in return for the permission though some pieces I may not want in print. Reasons that I might not want a piece used commercially could be
:bulletyellow: Personal "Unique" stock or stock that is of a sensitive nature
:bulletyellow: Respect for Models (human) and many more not worth listing here)
email me OR Note me and we may figure something out... oh and ... now that that's over please enjoy....
© 2009 - 2024 Drake-Stock
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