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Dawn and Yurr



Guess some people would like to snap my neck now, eh? =P

Yeah, so my OCs Dawn the ODST and Yurr the skirmisher showing how much they like each other drawn the cute way.

And for those who think that this leads to porn; sorry, only best friends forever and no smexing going on.

And to keep away the fanboy flamers who want to yell at me for how stupid the idea of such a friendship is, here the conclusion:

Dawn came from a insurrectionist colony named Rhaetia who had contact with Kig-yar at the very beginning of the Covy war. Those little space pirates saw the opportunity and didn't reported the humans to the Covenant and began to trade with the colonists similar as in The Cole Protocol, which shows that some Kig-yar where able to feel a certain friendship with humans and this is how Dawn and Yurr learned to know each other.
Well, after a while the Covenant found out about those inacceptable activities and attacked the planet Rhaetia and executed the Kig-yar for heresy. With help of some Kig-yar in the Covenant, Yurr managed to steal away from being executed and started a new life in the Covenant whilst Dawn had her own little shock being the last survivor of that world, involuntarily joining the UNSC forces to start her own little rampage for revenge among the elites.
After a while both Yurr and Dawn found each other on the battlefield again and have sworn to maintain that loyalty as friends and do not kill but help each other when unseen in battle. Dawn getting information about the elites and the places she can find and slay them, Yurr plans of UNSC forts and battalions in the field to evade those areas and survive the war. The chance to survive was more worth for Yurr than to betray Dawn to sell her to Thar and get some reward just to get shot in the next firefight.

Well as you see, best friends forever!

PS: Skirmishers are pretty huggable ;)
My first Skirmisher ever drawn worked well and seems that I'm able to draw humans without letting them looks like zombies. Still a pathetic attempt for a background.


Halo belongs to Microsoft.
OCs Allegra "Dawn" Fischer and Yurr belong to me.
Art done by Silvana Dettmann aka Dragunalb aka me.
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1701x1701px 871.38 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Dragunalb
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Satanbrony2's avatar

Oh this seems to be very wholesome