Dragunalb on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dragunalb/art/Comic-Test-192611541Dragunalb

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Comic Test



Just some testing on a panel for a, uh let's say test comic, so this won't make any sense to you until you see the rest of it but yes, they're on a shooting range for some target practice until Maika gets in and has nothing better to do than... Ah, you'll see it later.
I will move it to scraps later, but now I need your help by telling me if it's all ok. Less details? No shading? Bigger letters? Background? Blah blah... Remember this is just one panel, so I guess it will be smaller at the end. And somehow I wasn't able to let Maika smug as much as I wanted. Ah I suck...
So please, tell me what's good or bad about it, so I can make the result better. I won't eat you for your critique =)


Halo belongs to Microsoft.
OCs Allegra "Dawn" Fischer and Maika Ciolonkov belong to me.
Art done by Silvana Dettmann aka Dragunalb aka me.
Image size
1757x1049px 581.49 KB
© 2011 - 2024 Dragunalb
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Dawn understands the need to protect your ears on the firing range. All she needs is a pair of badass sunglasses for eyepro and this would not look out of place in real life.
Keep up the good work!