Hello there!
I don't have much to tell you, I simply created this account in order to share my pictures with you guys, in hope that you find them helpful for your needs, furthermore I thought it was a better idea than letting them "rot" on my harddisk.
I'm pretty close to nature, so that's why you'll find lots of beautiful captured moments in the "nature" gallery. Furthermore, I'm quite into gothic music, art and lifestyle, of course you can find all necessary clichés like statues, cemeteries and other dark stuff ;-)
Another gallery which means a lot to me is the "medieval" gallery. I visit medieval markets at least 3-4 times a year and I love the atmosphere there..may be that's the gallery which will be extended most.
Hope you like my galleries, help yourselves and always feel free to contact me for any inquieries or whatever. (But please- do see the rules in my journal!)
Also check out my art account as well as my Medieval Stock group:
Please take some time to read
the rules for the use of my stock:Update 11/2013I get notifications & messages on a daily basis, I habe no chance to keep up with that. Furthermore, I've started professional stock accounts on Fotolia, 500px etc in oder to sell my work. I've thought about it a lot and here's the update:
My complete stock here on DA is free. Do whatever you want to do with it, use it outside of DA, whatever. One rule still remains: Give credit! Enjoy!
Current Residence: Germany
deviantWEAR sizing preference: M
Favourite genre of music: Gothic, Metal, Electronic
Favourite style of art: Gothic/Dark
Operating System: Win7
Personal Quote: Can't rain all the time...