Hello there, just to notify any people currently reading this this account is a ghost town, has been at least since 2021 that I abandoned it from the NFT fiasco and the lack of empathy towards artist by their stupid AIgen embrace, if something don't expect me to reply or to comment here again until there is a good change for artists and not for popular profit trends.
There aren't going to be any updates either or new art.
Yo entiendo que esta cuenta ya no es utilizada pero men, dragonthunders, si ves esto despues de la uni pe, tu arte es una maravilla
Happy birthday!
Happy early birthday!
You around?
Hay dragonthunder i a love your art work as inspiration in my art style I think your a good artist and you inspired me a lot for my artwork.
Keep up the good work I know this are getting tuff and with a lot of the political stuff happening in the world I really hope everything is ok if you don’t know be safe and keep off the good work
Happy birthday