Sculptober : PartyDragonsAndBeasties on DeviantArt

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Sculptober : Party


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I know a dragon in a party hat is an obvious choice, but I thought it would be cute to make a little ratty giving him a tiny present. I really love putting rats with my dragons lately. 

I would have liked to do a dragon tea party, but there is now way I could get that done in the one day timeframe. But I'll get to it after Sculptober sometime. :)

Handsculpted from Premo sculpey,  eyes painted in acrylics, 2.5 inches tall

Commissions are CLOSED indefinitely, but a rough pricing guide can be found here: dragonsandbeasties.deviantart.…

Please visit my FAQ page dragonsandbeasties.deviantart.… before asking questions about techniques and materials. Just about every question I get is covered there. I’m not trying to be rude, I just get tired of answering the same questions over and over ^^; 

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600x514px 75.74 KB
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Starlight80's avatar
I imagine dragons and mice can't be friends cause the dragons eat them, but this dragon is friends with a mouse