A Princess and a PauperDragonrider-Storm on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dragonrider-storm/art/A-Princess-and-a-Pauper-599390393Dragonrider-Storm

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A Princess and a Pauper



Gabriel, one of my fantasy novel's main characters, and his love interest. :3 He's taken away to the castle of the emperor in a different world, and there led to believe the emperor is the good guy. The emperor's daughter takes a fancy to the boy from Earth, which won't go over well with her parents. ;)

Stock (here: null-entity.deviantart.com/art…) by Null-Entity and Tasastock
Image size
1731x2511px 1.01 MB
iPod touch
Shutter Speed
1/24 second
Focal Length
3 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Mar 18, 2016, 7:52:45 PM
© 2016 - 2025 Dragonrider-Storm
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queenofeagles's avatar
Now I want to know more about Gabriel and who that lovely girl is ;) Kudos on the emotion here, it's very romantic and strong. Also well done on the pose, this is a hard one to get right, even with references.

I understand this is waaay beyond fixing now, but try to centre the character's heads more. Part of her head now falls off the page, it's a bit sad :') I fail at it too though, it's hard to estimate how much paper you need for something. Personally, I would have kept her hair away from her face. Makes the kiss much better visible :) Still, this got the right vibe, well done!