DragonosX on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dragonosx/art/Styracosaurus-1073101932DragonosX

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Did probably 95% of the illustration in Affinity Photo then exported to Photoshop to finish it up.

Ceratopsians are my favorite dinosaurs but can't recall ever doing Styracosaurus, at least any time recently. I think the Dino Riders Styracosaurus was one of my first dinosaur toys as a kid (I know the Monoclonius was my first DR fig, but Styraco wasn't far behind.)

I think I lean towards the ceratopsians with long brow horns like Triceratops, Torosaurus, Pentaceratops, etc. but Styaco's cool long frill horns are pretty badass too.

Have seen a lot of lightning bugs (or fireflies if you prefer) lately so decided to add 'em in, not sure what kind of bioluminescent bugs existed in the cretaceous but let's imagine they did! :)

Image size
2700x3600px 9.26 MB
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JEart94's avatar

looks very good!