dragonladych on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dragonladych/art/Steampunk-brooch-nb3-135963577dragonladych

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dragonladych's avatar

Steampunk brooch nb3



Size: 3,8 cm. Brass and silver, .... mobile "wings".
And that little "gem" is in fact epoxy with nailpolish (I like to experiment)
For sale: [link]

Updated image, again (oct 09)

**************** BLURB*******************
 "My Antikimena deflector has kept me safe from Golem attentions,
but on sunny days I no longer cast the correct shadow."  Tim Powers

Excerpt of Myron Salazar Drake's Journal

Paris 4th September 1875

After my discovery of how to gain power from the creatures that made my life miserable for so long, I quickly learned that they had some very powerful allies and that I needed to shield myself from them. First I had to find out how to detect their presence as they are not visible most of the time. It is a bit like determining the place where a stone fell in the water, by looking at the ripples on the surface of the water. As a matter of fact these elusive creatures seem to be made of stone or use stone as a sort of « disguise ». I am certain that they are what some people call « golems » they can be called and trapped into mud* if you know how....

In my poem « Malaga », I made a reference to these terrifying creatures
« "... Soft laughter in the shadows and the smell of musk,
Sand dunes like grim guardians molded of clay..." »
Image size
685x500px 208.07 KB
© 2009 - 2024 dragonladych
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osirusblue's avatar
A very lovely item. Excellent work really love the wing design a fantastic idea