Monster Musume+: Legendary Bird SpeciesDragonith on DeviantArt

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Monster Musume+: Legendary Bird Species

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Powerful harpies from the mythos of North America, thunderbirds are the very manifestation of lightning itself. Their feathers are electrified, shocking any and all who come into contact with them. A thunderbird also produces electricity from a special organ within their bodies, allowing them to shoot lightning at will. However, this organ is really sensitive. Should the thunderbird be overwhelmed with any form of emotion, the organ in turn will shock the harpy, paralyzing it temporarily.

A thunderbird will not shock those it is intimate with, unless by mistake (or if they’re into that type of foreplay). They prefer households that hold more traditional decor as they can very easily disrupt technology with how their electricity works.
-Note: Loosely based off the MGE Thunderbird.

PHOENIX Phoenix-type
Clad in flame, phoenix harpies are monsterfolk of legend. They burn with the fire of rebirth, magical flames that allow the phoenix to enjoy a life of eternity. Through reincarnation, the phoenix’s appearance may change drastically, but all in all she remains the same personality-wise. So yes, she can go from big-breasted to flat in two life cycles. Fascinating.

These flames aren’t deadly unless the phoenix allows it. As such, consensual activity is restricted to only those she calls her lover. They say those who partner with a phoenix enjoy a longer life as radiant as the sun.

PAMOLA Pamola-type
A lesser known American harpy subspecies, pamola make their homes in the upper north. They are distinguished by their wings and antlers made entirely of ice and snow. Pamola numbers are much more scarce than that of the thunderbird with their distribution being limited to specific mountain peaks near the Canadian border. They have an immunity to cold weather, but they do still get a bit “nippy” up there, if you catch my drift.

It is believed that with the appearance of a pamola, a severe blizzard is sure to follow. During this time, the pamola would snatch away lost travelers in the hailstorm to their secluded mountain homes... purely out of mutual curiosity. As a rare subspecies, they tend to get lonely rather quickly.

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No Text Version:
Monster Musume+: Legendary Bird Species (No Text) by Dragonith

Starting off the new year with... elemental harpies! Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres.... waitaminute.

Characters / Artwork © Dragonith
Monster Musume © OKAYADO
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2133x1200px 1.88 MB
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