
Dinner Party Incident

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Dragonguardian253's avatar

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This incident happened to a friend of mine a few years ago during a dinner party she was hosting. You see, she loved to host lavish dinner parties and would brag afterwards to anyone who would listen to her. However, this incident had tarnished her perfect reputation: it was a regular Friday evening, and she was getting everything ready including her world-famous salmon mousse. After coming back from doing her hair, her black cat Ebony was tucking into the salmon mousse.

My friend was horrified and picked up the cat then she took Ebony outside while she surveyed the damage. The cat ate quite a large portion of the mousse, so my friend decided to take a short-cut and smoothed off the bitten part without anyone being the wiser. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and my friend went to answer it. It was her guests, so she led them to the dining room, and they all took their seats where different side dishes to choose from. My friend finally served the salmon mousse, and everyone was having a good time eating and talking.

She was glad that the salmon mousse incident was over with and decided to serve dessert to the guests when the doorbell rang. My friend wondered who it was and got up to answer the door. It was her next-door neighbor, Clara, who led her outside to talk about something that happened recently. Apparently, Ebony, had died on her driveway. My friend was shocked and wondered how she died, then she concluded that the salmon mousse must've been poisoned and killed her and now, it would poison her dinner guests.

After the talk, my friend went back into her house and announced that the salmon mousse she served was poisoned. The guests didn't utter a word and started to panic trying to find a way to purge the poison. When that didn't work, they had to go to the hospital to get their stomach pumped and they took the salmon mousse to get it tested. Three hours later, my friend came back and was glad to learn the mousse wasn't poisoned, but was wondering if the salmon mousse didn't kill Ebony, then what did?

My friend approached her cat's body and noticed something. Ebony's hind paw was broken which means that the mousse didn't kill her, she was ran over by a car! Which meant that the trip to the hospital wasn't necessary and that afterwards, her party was remembered, but for all the wrong reasons. Now my friend doesn't host anymore dinner parties after the poisoning incident.

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