I've worked as an Interactive / Creative Designer since 2006. I currently freelance & offer wide range of services including Branding, Illustration, Conceptual Art (digital & traditional), Sculpting, Web Design, Animation, you name it.
Passions include: Cartoons, Dragons, Prosthetics/Make-up, Podcasts, Sculpting, & MST3K. Yes. That's me from Halloween 2011 ^^
Favourite Movies
Jurassic Park, The Incredibles, the Avengers, Anything Rifftrax
Favourite TV Shows
Train Wreck Honey Boo Boo has attached itself to the pleasure center of my brain...
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Mosty Female vocalists - Angry female vocalists.
Favourite Books
Walking Dead series is what's on right now.
Favourite Writers
Arthur C. Clarke, Anne McGaffery
Favourite Games
Super Metroid, The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past, Star Control 2, Portal 2, Uncharted Series
Favourite Gaming Platform
I'd have to say Wii. Virtual Console FTW.
Tools of the Trade
Cintiq 21" Mounted to an Ergotron Monitor arm for SUPREME Awesomeness.
Other Interests
Dragons, drawins, & seafood.