Divided soul (REQUEST)DragonaDeMetal on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dragonademetal/art/Divided-soul-REQUEST-483913705DragonaDeMetal

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Divided soul (REQUEST)



Last request: :iconbently96:

This is the most complex request I had this time. I'll let bently96 explain you what it is (I hope you dont mind it ^^;):

This is supposed to be the concept of his "astral being" (soul), during the period when the Ally of Gods (long story, can tell it ;) (Wink) ) made him struggle for his sanity. So, the way his soul looked during the madness when he was revivied in his new life.
His soul-body, was separated (on a vertical symmetry) into 2 parts. encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/ima… Kind of like this guy. Sweating a little...
The right half of Ruhig, looks like his current form, robotic. cigarscigarettes.deviantart.co… Clean, shiny and impeccable. While his left side, looks like the burden he received during his life. This other half is dressed in the traditionam Camfierro Prime uniform (like Churchill here phobs.deviantart.com/art/WW2-f… ). Yet, the other half isn't the Alive or robotic Ruhig. The other half is his skelleton.

So the body is separated in 2 parts. His clean form, the one which wants to do well (robotic), and the one which represents all the burden gained in his life (skeleton dressed in Prime Minister costume).

We are talking about the "astral body" of his OC, Ruhig Fortepiano ^^

So, this is my rendition of this concept. As an astral being, I thought it would be a nice idea if his body was made of some kind of light/plasma. That way, the transition between the two sides would look like that the light or plasma is escaping or disintegrating into the air. If you pay attention you will see that his cape is also disintegrating, this is because his left side is the only one wearing it, so it vanishes on its right side.

I really hope you like it, Robert. I had a lot of fun doing this crazy request xD

Ruhig Fortepiano belongs to :iconbently96:

See on Tumblr: dragonademetal.tumblr.com/post…

Featured on EqD! Thanks ^^  www.equestriadaily.com/2014/09…
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2249x1617px 1.83 MB
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Neoklaitus's avatar

Genial, da la sensación de ser dos entidades separadas. Pero funciona como un conjunto (Los detalles del fuego espectral saliendo de los huesos me gusta)  

Puede que encuentras más cometarios míos de lo usual este fin de semana, es que estoy libre y le echare una ojeada a toda la galería.