Break time, sis? (REQUEST)DragonaDeMetal on DeviantArt

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DragonaDeMetal's avatar

Break time, sis? (REQUEST)



Next request : :iconpitterpaint:

She wanted a picture of her Dislestia kids. The one on the floor is Mirage ( ) and the one floating (because she is floating, not flying xD) is Ruse ( ). Mirage is the older one and her mother, Celestia, has chosen her as the heir of the Sun, so she has a lot to learn about protocol and princess' stuff. Ruse, on the other hand, has learnt a new trick from her father: to do chocolate rain!
The younger one just want to spend some spare time with her sister but Mirage is busy and a little bit annoyed by Ruse's persistance (although Mirage is dying for a little bit of fun time, poor thing xD)

I really love the design of these girls! And PitterPaint has a lot of "next gen" kids like these, so check out her gallery if you are interested ^.^

Hope you like it :icondragonglomp:

Mirage and Ruse belong to :iconpitterpaint:
Image size
2339x1700px 1.7 MB
© 2014 - 2025 DragonaDeMetal
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PitterPaint's avatar
Oh My GOSH!!!! this is so beautiful it makes me want to cry Enough to Make a Grown Man Cry u did a phenomenal job my dear I'm literally SingingSinging  "this is so beautiful, I love it so much, la la la" oh the feelsHeart Balloon Emote Thank u sooooooooo much for drawing this for me my dear Natsuki Shinomiya (Super hug) [V1] 

uhg I can't get over it which is a good thing :3 and i don't like I LOVE it!!!hug