Commissions! (On Hold)

23 min read

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DragonA7X's avatar

Edit 8/9/16: Commissions are temporarily closed due to me preparing for college along with me having a bit too much owed art on my plate. Expect commissions to reopen  sometime in September!!

I'll be opening a waitlist from now until then so if you're interested in commissioning me, please comment below and I'll add ya to the list! ^~^



I accept points, steam games ON MY WISHLIST , and steam wallet funds as commission payment


If a game costs $4.99, you can buy commissions totaling 500:points:
If a game costs $9.99, you can buy commissions totaling 1000:points: 
If a game costs $14.99, you can buy commissions totaling 1500:points:
... and so on

$1.00 on steam = 100:points:

My steam account/wishlist:…

Games 1-30 are ranked by priority on steam. Games like Aim Hero and Kindred Spirits CD I want more than Party Hard and Fran Bow. Consider buying games for me that are higher up on the list than towards the bottom.

I will tell you what game I'd like in exchange for a commission. I am willing to haggle for steam games!

PRIORITY: dA Points > Steam games > Steam $$ 

Unlimited Slots!

Blinky Icons - 200:points: each
Flat pastel icons with a simple blink animation.
F2U FNAF Icons by DragonA7X Free To Use Undertale Avatars! READ DESCRIPTION! by DragonA7X

Flower Crowns - 650:points: each 
Cute little flower crown bustshots in pastel colors. Choose the flower you want and the message on the banner!
M0RTE ET DAB0 by DragonA7X UNCR0WNED N0lZ by DragonA7X AT: Oh, and while the king was looking down by DragonA7X

Headshot icon (cell shade) - 700:points:
-Additional Characters or Linking +550:points: for second, 500:points: for 3rd (Max 3!)
-Animated +200-500:points: (depening on animation complexity. Blinking would be 200 while blinking, with an expression change (like biting) would be closer to the 500 range. Tell me what you want and I'll give you a price))
Check my gallery to get a feel for how my style is like now since these examples are old
Type B by DragonA7X C: BubblyPunkKat by DragonA7X Click to add title by DragonA7X

Headshot icon (normal shade) - 800:points:
-Additional Characters or Linking +700:points: for second, 600:points: for 3rd (Max 3!)
-Animated +200-500:points: (depening on animation complexity. Blinking would be 200 while blinking, with an expression change (like biting) would be closer to the 500 range. Tell me what you want and I'll give you a price)
G: At the edge of the hellfire... by DragonA7X The criminal in time... by DragonA7X Fucking Dorks by DragonA7X
Haranbanjou, Tsubaki Uta! by DragonA7X THE NATURE OF THE BEAST by DragonA7X Let My Feelings Reach You Too by DragonA7X

Button Icon - 800:points: each (one character only)
-Animated +200-500:points: (depening on animation complexity. Blinking would be 200 while blinking, with an expression change (like biting) would be closer to the 500 range. Tell me what you want and I'll give you a price)
Comes with a circle "Button" background and a 50x50 size that you can use on dA!
~*~ Sweetness and Love ~*~ by DragonA7X -x0X- BLINDFOLD CODE -X0x- by DragonA7X x0X- Mr. Highway's Thinking About The End -X0x by DragonA7X Button 50x50 2 by DragonA7X

Fullbody Icon - Starting at 1000:points:
Additional Characters +750:points:
Animated +250-500:points: (depending on complexity)
Chibis enhanced with textures and my normal shading. Usually condensed into a square, ready to be used as an icon! Works best with ferals
Check my gallery to get a feel for how my chibis are now since these examples are old

Traditional Fullbody Chibis - 750:points: each
You are the ONE by DragonA7X
Similar to the digital chibis, but done with a fine tip sharpie, crayola colored pencils and highlighters

Digital Fullbody Chibis
Simple chibis. Great to place on profiles. Comes with a transparent background or a simple circle background for no additional charge!
Prices are per character

Style #1 (Anime-esque) - 1250:points:

+_-0PEN F1RE-_+ by DragonA7X X+x Kill the Silence x+X by DragonA7X
Style #2 (Marshmallow) - 1200:points:
STEP lNSlDE by DragonA7X C: galactic-hime by DragonA7X
Style #3 (Bug eye) - 1250:points:
-{X.U}- by DragonA7X C: BloodyxJezter by DragonA7X
Style #4 (Higurashi) - 1300:points:
*-xX* TASTE MY SCYTHE *Xx-* by DragonA7X G: Something Something Something by DragonA7X

Headshot Badges - 750:points: per character
A Headshot To The Gun Of Trepidation by DragonA7X Notpepper by DragonA7X Pororo by DragonA7X
Headshots of your character in my semi chibi/anime style!

Waist-shot Badges - 1000:points: per character
Creative title is creative by DragonA7X  Furries by DragonA7X

Badge of your character in my semi chibi/anime style from the waist up! Comes with simple transparent background

 - 1500:points:
Additional Characters +1250:points:
Fullbody drawing of your character in my semi chibi/anime style! Comes with either a simple or transparent background/sub>

[INCOMPLETE] by DragonA7X Vaporeon used Aqua Tail! by DragonA7X [HPA] ICE by DragonA7X

Full Art - Starting at 1750:points:
Additional Characters +1500:points: (max 3)
Larger in size and not as "cute" as chibis, but can have more detail! 
Tell me your idea and I'll come up with a quote.

Emofuri Animation - 2500:points: and up
Animation of whatever you want using the Emofuri software.

Emofuri Test Zynyx by DragonA7X

Painterly Photomanipulation - 3000:points: and up
Please provide a photo reference of what you want me to paint over and what edits you want done. These take me a VERY long time to do so pardon the high price. Will give a quote estimate. Usually will be 3000, easier ones will cost less while more complex, bigger sizes will cost more.
DO NOT ask me to do nudes. I will DECLINE your offer!


Pixel icons - Static- 400:points:
Animated - 500:points:
Fun pixel icons to use as your dA avatar. Outlines available on request. Sorry for old examples!!

Pre-supplied image/gif Journal Skin (aka Basic Skin) - 100:points: each
Custom journal skin using an image you supply without any edits/effects! Will be uploaded on :icondragonitea7x:
Linkin Park Skin by DragonA7X Suicide Silence Journal Skin by DragonA7X

Photomanipulated Header Journal Skin (aka Spicy Skin) - 200:points: each
Using a pre-supplied header, I'll change around the colors, add additional images and even add custom text! Will be uploaded on :icondragonitea7x:
Requiem A7X Skin by DragonA7X C: BeautifulSurgery by DragoniteA7X

Customized Journal Skin (aka Scratch Skin) - 1250:points: each
Additional characters +1000:points:
I'll draw whatever you want and make it into an installable journal skin. Comes with original image in 850x300 resolution! Will be uploaded on my :icondragonitea7x: account
Aoba Journal Skin for PandaaChuu by DragonA7X C: xXChibiStarrXx by DragonA7X C: Cinnaspiide by DragoniteA7X

:new:Also, if ordering a commission 600:points: or up, I can record a speedpaint of your commission for an additional 300:points:. Here is an example! Comes with your choice of 1-2 songs playing in the background!

Will draw
:bulletgreen: OCs/FCs
:bulletgreen: Fanart
:bulletgreen: Humans/Humanoids
:bulletgreen: Anthros/Furries
:bulletgreen: Ferals/Animals
:bulletgreen: Stylized ponies (not offical style)
:bulletgreen: Pokemon/Digimon
:bulletgreen: Sonic characters
:bulletgreen: Light romance (hugging, cuddling, ect. Nothing NSFW)
:bulletgreen: Yaoi/Yuri/Hetero Couples
:bulletgreen: Gore/Guts/Blood
:bulletgreen: Anything else not mentioned below

Can draw (but not recommended)
:bulletyellow: Realism of any kind
:bulletyellow: Mecha (the bane of my existence) 
:bulletyellow: Muscular characters
:bulletyellow: Sparkle dogs/rainbow characters
:bulletyellow: Characters with lots of yellow

Will NOT Draw
:bulletred: Most NSFW things (gore is OK!)
:bulletred: Fetish art (vore, bondage, ect)
:bulletred: Complex Mecha or Machinery (including cars)

Terms and services
:bulletblue:Points and steam games/funds only at the moment. Paypal is still being set up. I require full payment before I begin your commission. 
:bulletblack:Commission completion time can take anywhere between a few hours to about a month or so. Please be patient with me and do not rush me! If I am rushed, I feel pressured to do your commission and that means either A. Worse quality or B. Less obligated to finish your commission right away. Do me a favor and please be patient. uvu
:bulletblue:Refunds are unavailable once I've started your commission!
:bulletblack:With the exception of blinkies, you will receive anywhere between 1-3 rough sketches before I start working on your commission. These sketches are rather rough and minor details will be omitted, but if you need any changes please let me know then.
:bulletblue: Once the commission is completed, I can make minor adjustments such as adding a marking or tweaking colors slightly. Anything that requires redrawing or major alterations may cost extra!
:bulletblack: All commissioned work will bear my signature. Please do not alter or edit my signature.
:bulletblue: If you want, I can stream your commission if you'd like for no extra charge! If you would rather me create a speedpaint of your commission, it'll be an additional 300:points:.
:bulletblack: DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT THE PRICES! 100:points: = $1. I am working well under minimum wage (which is $8 an hour). Most commissions take me anywhere between 2-5 hours so I am getting not even half of what I should be getting. Please respect that and do not say that I am "overpricing myself"
:bulletblue: By default I do NOT upload commissions in my gallery, but if you want me to upload your commission I'll be more than willing to do so~ 


If interested, please fill out the form below (optional).

Item: (What do you want to commission from me?)
Who is this for: (Who is this for?)
Reference: (link up reference images)
Animation: (Only applies to avatars. Put N/A if not ordering an avatar or you don't want it animated)
Speedpaint: (Yes or No, costs 300:points: extra. Not available for blinkies)
Do you want your commission uploaded?: (default is no, say yes if you want me to upload your commission onto dA)
Extra Notes: (Specific colors? Specific expression? Any extra accessories? Put that information here!)

Thank you! 

[C] DragonA7X by SoulKillur [ Nom ] by GlichieVirus
Skin design by B-0-0-N
© 2014 - 2025 DragonA7X
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DragonEyeMcCree's avatar
hey put me on the waitlist. I wish to have a animated button icon for 800 points animated too.