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Robin Williams - R.I.P.



You know, its rare when a celebrity death really hits me. Like I feel sad when a celebrity I like dies or passes away. Its reasonable. But for some reason Robin William's death was probably one of the more impactful deaths in recent memory. Likely because it was just so unexpected. You just never think in your mind that a comedian would suffer from such terrible depression and yet it seemed he did and he just hid it so well. For me, my fondest memory will of course be that blue lovable guy Genie from Aladdin but I still love him in movies Hook and Flubber. No matter if the movie itself was good or bad, he was just one of those people who could put a smile on your face. He will truly be missed and I give my best wishes to his family.

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MasterGojira's avatar
I once planned to do an animated movie with Robin Williams in it, but now I cancelled it because he's passed away...