Mechanics of War - Suspicious MarcusDragon-FangX on DeviantArt

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Mechanics of War - Suspicious Marcus



Always good to be wary when you're a traveling fugitive. 

~ At the next town, the group are found by soldiers and they reluctantly dragged 'Jane' with them. ~
~ At the next town, 'Jane' parts ways… only for another girl to ask them for help. ~
~ As they go along, 'Jane' notes a good opportunity to get rid of Brunhild. ~
~ While the three are waiting, 'Jane' whats to show them her hobby... ~
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Brought to you by BeigePaladin
If you're interested to help out and see this move forward, let me know.

Characters, Story and Art by Dragon-FangX
Image size
1728x1296px 332.3 KB
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