Ribbonsdraginchic-stock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/draginchic-stock/art/Ribbons-77933984draginchic-stock

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draginchic-stock's avatar




Ribbons. Download for full size.

:spotlight-left: Terms of Use :spotlight-right:

By using my stock you agree to the following terms of use:
:star:1. CREDIT!! You must link back to my deviantart stock account on the same page my stock is used on.
:star:2. DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE.:These photos are copyrighted by me. Do not claim them as your own or redistribute them on any site. Simply link to this page somewhere if you are interested in sharing my work.
:star:3. NOTE ME: Please send me a note with a link to your work. I really do love to see what you've made of these photos. I will :+fav: as well.
:star:4. CREATIVITY: Don't just change colors or add a lame-o Photoshop filter to these photos and call it art. It's not.
:star:5. USAGE: Feel free to do as you wish with these photos, unless noted above. I give full permission for my photos to be used on DA or off and in prints. They are my little gift back to the wonderful people that make up the art community here. Enjoy!! :)
:star: A :+fav: or comment would be nice if you download, but not required.
Image size
702x2316px 894.92 KB
© 2008 - 2025 draginchic-stock
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Thanks you, man