Glad to see you on my profile page!
I don't really know how to introduce myself as an artist, tho. Have a look into my gallery (to see my infinite struggle with lack of skill and details) and you should not miss my favourites, too - there are truly amazing pieces. My greatest source of inspiration and envy. :D
Personal Gods (i just
adore her taste)
Artists definitely worth visiting :P Goals ("to do list" isn't... motivating enough :D) :
• understand faces, facial expressions
• tame dynamics
• master atmospehere
• create a website about Smothers (my species, mostly in my head so far)
• study anatomy of wings (birds, bats, planes, whatever)
• collect shells >:3
• not be lazy about details
• develop own style
finally• more Draggy and smother art, work on the story, find her a place to roleplay
Enjoy stamps! They're way more entertaining than my stupid babbling!
Don't thank me for s, s, llamas etc.... Rather leave a comment at the picture you find interesting.
Critique and opinions are always most welcomed!