2243 Nigrum Lacedaemoniaequedraggiiee on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/draggiiee/art/2243-Nigrum-Lacedaemoniaeque-637252658draggiiee

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2243 Nigrum Lacedaemoniaeque



ID: 2243
Name: Nigrum Lacedaemoniaeque "Black Lace"
Barn Name/Nickname: Lacey
Sex: Female
Height: 16.1 hh
Breed/type: :iconequusballator: 100% Desert
Genotype: Ee aa nLp (PATN2) nCal nOr
Phenotype: Black Blanket Appaloosa Calva Oryx

Very in-tune with herself and prefers to be alone with the fauna and flora. Makes friends pretty easily, but is very opinionated and doesn't forgive easily nor forgets. Typically very mellow and happy to let others rant to her or cry on her shoulder. She's humorous and lively, though.
Her bad side isn't as pretty though. She's quite set in her ways, easily riled up, and can become very aggressive if something's happen to somebody she holds dear - kinda like a guard dog. Can be very blunt and sarcastic around those she doesn't like, goes silent when she's pissed off.

Highlord Aether
Gifts recieved:
2 Extra Horns (sta.sh/0towm6m25wd) from comments.deviantart.com/1/6566…

all open slots - offer :)
s=stat, a=advent) user | status | mate | foal
1) gresslok | Used | 1997 Death Bringer | 2647 HMS Bos in Contumeliam
2) Mini-Luicifer | unused | ? | ?
3) naomithewolf | pending used | 372 | Melekure Stables | Tentans Fata Amoris | ?
4) meowth | unused | ? | ?
5) That-Artistic-Chick | unused | ? | ?
6) ? | open | ? | ?
7) ? | open | ? | ?
8) closed
9) closed
10) closed
s11) closed
s12) closed
s13) closed
s14) mine | used | UnknownRidersStable’s www.deviantart.com/unknownride… | ID 6588 (wip)
a15) mine
a16) mine
a17) mine

586 ~ Expert Lvl
Stat Tracker sta.sh/0jrjawnzndc

Gaits: 26
Dressage: 43
Jumping: 54
Intelligence: 107
Stamina: 101
Speed: 109
Strength: 131
Experience: 6
Atk Strength: 8

 Remuda Livery RNG Invitational: Week 118 Results 1st Place Halter Class
 Remuda Livery RNG Invitational: Week 118 Results 3rd Place Liberty Class

EB specific: Pit Fighting (EXPERT)
UPFA initiation imageNigrum Lacedaemoniaeque UPFA Initiation
Reference: 2243 Nigrum Lacedaemoniaeque (here)
Stat tracker: Lacey's Stat Tracker

------------------------------------------ SSS: F-250 Sanctifica Eve
----------------- SS: 871 Roma Daemonia
------------------------------------------ SSD: S-021 SGHS Romani Venatrix 
Sire: 2011 Surrexit Nocte
------------------------------------------ SDS: 697 | Noctivaga
----------------- SD: 1263 Lilium Nocte
------------------------------------------ SDD: 700 | Aqua Lilium

------------------------------------------ DSS: 1061 Fallax Corvum
----------------- DS: 1752 HMS Rebelles Arenam
------------------------------------------ DSD: 1413 Oderint dum Metuant
Dam: HMS Regina Arenam
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD:  839 Regina Scorpionem
------------------------------------------ DDD:  Unknown

STOCK USED: billtokiohotel.deviantart.com/…
Breeding Note: equusballator.deviantart.com/n…
Accepted foal design: dragonhorsewolfthing.deviantar…
Image size
1600x1200px 90.95 KB
© 2016 - 2025 draggiiee
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EquusBallatorSociety's avatar
This horse's main reference needs to be updated with her two shoulder horns.
Thank you!