I am a skeptically inquiring secular humanist of a materialist and modernist bent with a lapsed Roman Catholic upbringing. Thus, for all intents and purposes, I'm a pragmatic atheist. I am also queer and a furry.
I tend to have a life, now in sabbatical as I prepare for job hunting, mainly in the Earth and Life Sciences areas, and, to my chagrin, I am a procrastinator. Hopefully these will be fixed in the next 100 years, though the latter is something I'm working on constantly.
Finally, I am always interested in artistic advice and if you want use my artwork here's the rules. You can also commission me. Tips via Paypal at Dracontes(at)gmail(dot)com are welcome as well.
These are my contacts:
dracontes | Dracontes(at)hotmail(dot)com
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