Kahuna Lana and Trail Captain OliviaDracoknight545 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dracoknight545/art/Kahuna-Lana-and-Trail-Captain-Olivia-646434776Dracoknight545

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Kahuna Lana and Trail Captain Olivia



Welcome to the 3 part series of Sun and Moon age swaps to celebrate the release of Pokemon Sun and Moon

The first one featuring Olivia and Lana from the Pokemon trail, as the mysterious Pokemon Cosmog as it causes them to swap ages and also roles making Lana the new Water-type Kahuna and Olivia a  Rock-type Trail Captain now

I have the next part in the works but I have to fix a few things  first before I color it and the final pic
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Yomutsu's avatar
see this is why you should keep Nebby in the bag...