drackana's avatar


We are ever evolving....
399 Watchers614 Deviations


Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
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My Bio

Hey there everyone!

Welcome to my page of sparse posting. I will be only posting ARPG things here for the most part as I dont really trust DA with my regular art anymore.

Should you like to find me elsewhere feel free to check out my TH for more of my art posts.

I have an insta as well but due to recent developments with instagram I dont really post there anymore either.


If I owe you something poke me, My brain is a fishnet and things tend to fall through it. u-u

Favourite Movies
All movies done by Hayao Miyazaki
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
P!nk, Porter Robinson, ODEZA, Eve, Creepy Nuts, Yaelokre, Aurora
Favourite Books
Eragon, Warrior Cats, Various Manga
Favourite Games
ARK, Flight Rising, The Isle, Overwatch, Depth, Primal Carnage, Wolf Quest
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, Switch
Tools of the Trade
Tablet using Ibis Paint
Other Interests
Manga, Anime, RPs, World Building, Hiking

Profile Comments 85

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Hi!  Excuse me for bothering you, i just saw your faves and thought that it could be interesting for you because of your taste ^^ I  create mystical hand drawn adoptables and some free materials for them - backgrounds, free gatcha raffles and other stuff ^_^

If you are interested in some of this - welcome on my page in the free folder :)If not - just delete this comment, and sorry for this massage ^^


:D Thanks so much for the fave on

PT - Harena

 Thank you for the watch!

Happy birthday! <33
ah thanks! so sorry for the late reply, things have been super busy...
Thank you kindly for the watch! :D
Thank you for the watch :)