Dracagon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dracagon/art/DL-SFM-GMOD-Nightmare-Night-Props-P1-563035538Dracagon

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(DL)(SFM)(GMOD) Nightmare Night Props P1



The first part of Nightmare Night props. Includes the candy cart, popcorn/candy floss cart, and the spider toss game.

Works in SFM and GMOD. All the smaller props can be picked up by hand! So the Spider Toss is somewhat functional! GMOD users, IT'S ON THE WORKSHOP! or at least it should be...somewhere...
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BB-K's avatar
Awesome props. :) I really love the Nightmare Moon there, but also love the balloons with "Mare in the Moon" & "The Eye of (Sauron) Nightmare". There's also that wind compass thingy (Not live in the US, my country don't have this kind of thing, most commonly I know it has a chicken on it and it's NSWE), it has The Eye as well.

Nice use Ed's map, I knew it's a little familiar.