Dracagon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dracagon/art/DL-SFM-GMOD-Doctor-Exam-Room-551902784Dracagon

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(DL)(SFM)(GMOD) Doctor Exam Room



This is an experimental set. It's geared towards those who like to scenebuild.

Included is one complete room set as pictured above. Each model is movable to any position you like.
Each piece is also included as a separate model. You want to use that floor for something else? It's completely possible without loading everything else!

The idea is to have a 3d version of those vector backgrounds. This one is from here (boneswolbach.deviantart.com/ar…).

If this set is a success, then we'll add more sets like it.

(Doctor Horse still has a few bugs to work out. He will be released later.)
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DerpyArtHD's avatar
looks like nice and clean scene