(DL)(SFM)(GMOD) Alpha Nightmare Castle Interior 01Dracagon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dracagon/art/DL-SFM-GMOD-Alpha-Nightmare-Castle-Interior-01-695323002Dracagon

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(DL)(SFM)(GMOD) Alpha Nightmare Castle Interior 01

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Update: GMOD support has been added thanks to :iconstefano96:
            New bodygroup options that allow you to add more sections to it (it can get longer)

Gonna go ahead and let yall play with this...

Up for download is part 1 of the nightmare moon castle interior set. It's a pretty big piece...and it has a ceiling.

Why is it marked alpha?
Because there are more pieces to it, they are just not quite done yet. (and may change up the entire thing to add more customization) And, if this does well, there's around 4 or 5 more interior sets ready to go. Kinda testing the water on these background sets.
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TheNorthRemembers3's avatar
YES! I can finally make a scene from a movie i saw come true using this. Look forward to the rest when its done.