Hogsmeade before Christmas by DraakeTDraakeT on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/draaket/art/Hogsmeade-before-Christmas-by-DraakeT-824107709DraakeT

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January 30, 2020
Hogsmeade before Christmas by DraakeT by DraakeT
Featured by Lora-Vysotskaya
Suggested by lauraypablo
DraakeT's avatar

Hogsmeade before Christmas by DraakeT

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THANKS A LOT TO :iconlauraypablo: for the time to the suggestion and TO :iconlora-vysotskaya: FOR THE DAILY DEVIATION! Judy and Nick - Icon

I have still to check the various recent manipulations uploaded by various users.

The time was really few, so the options were 2: option one, don't create nothing; option two study something of accessible
in few days....of course always for fun and not because obbligatory ahha.
In reality in my mind i had the idea about Dementors but toooooo long to create what i want. So i chosed
this version more relaxing (but not less detailed indeed has been a long process) about Hogsmeade at Christmas + snowing.
Hogwarts school at the faraway castle. I opted for the night version because in my opinion was more intriguing and i
don't know if you will like. Anyway i uploaded also a second version at the following link
- sta.sh/0gz5ndktylx

- The first issue has been how create something about hogsmeade using the few resources avaiable? This is my personal

- Im not so crazy to use perspective at level maniac! This isn't a professional accademy :pat: I used partially some
essential rule without fix at mm the perspective, but about proportions i used a level enough high but always not maniacal.
Because proportions are essentials in a work like this. You can also use a bit of compromise with perspective but not
with proportions because they do the difference.

- The architecture of the lighting and color correction are aspects im improving because they do a great difference
of visual quality...and of course they took a process really long.

- Some Color codes for me always important because use many different color tones create visual confusion.
- f9f778 Yellow
- fffffd White
- e89d54 Orange (windows-lantern + some blend mode expecially color dodge)
- bcc6cf to build the Snow

- yesterday i was studying a bit Depth Maps in combination with lens blur. At the end the concept is really
easy but extremely powerfull. Its all a game of gradient from black to white and viceversa.
So we can have a realistic blur because the tool apply it gradually thanks the power of the gradient
and thanks the target we can choose how and where apply it. Of course if necessary at the end a bit of mask
can be useful on some point.

- To build snow on building i used a simple regular flat brush + cheap mouse.

Something seen recently, in random order:
www.deviantart.com/dolce-kyoko… :icondolce-kyoko:

www.deviantart.com/rhysbriers/… :iconrhysbriers:

www.deviantart.com/kaisernero1… :iconkaisernero121:

www.deviantart.com/amiraashraf… :iconamiraashraf:

www.deviantart.com/amliel/art/… :iconamliel:

www.deviantart.com/lauraypablo… :iconlauraypablo:

www.deviantart.com/dani-owergo… :icondani-owergoor:

www.deviantart.com/placidanemi… :iconplacidanemia:

www.deviantart.com/andromatonr… :iconandromatonrecursion:

www.deviantart.com/soulcolorsa… :iconsoulcolorsart:

www.deviantart.com/hypnoticros… :iconhypnoticrose:

2 accounts deactivated

:star: :star: :star: Special Guest Model: www.deviantart.com/chibi-seth/… :iconchibi-seth:  :star: :star: :star:

Face Model: www.deviantart.com/faestock/ar… :iconfaestock:
Model: www.deviantart.com/faestock/ar…
Model: www.deviantart.com/faestock/ar…

Photographer & Director: :iconfaestock:

Sky: www.flickr.com/photos/astronom…
Sky: pixabay.com/photos/sky-stars-m…

Trees: www.deviantart.com/obsession-s… :iconobsession-stock:

Christmast tree: www.deviantart.com/masyon/art/… :iconmasyon:
Ground: www.deviantart.com/masyon/art/…

Various pieces: www.flickr.com/photos/fpra/537…
Rooftop + building: www.flickr.com/photos/mr_physi…
Castle: www.flickr.com/photos/harshlig…

Various: www.deviantart.com/oxygun/art/… :iconoxygun:

Building: www.flickr.com/photos/lien/467…
Building: www.flickr.com/photos/themepar…
Building: www.flickr.com/photos/grantbar…
Various: www.flickr.com/photos/guillena…
Building: www.flickr.com/photos/karen_ro…

Spiderweb: www.deviantart.com/seiyastock/… :iconseiyastock:

Trees: www.deviantart.com/inilein/art… :iconinilein:

Shop: www.deviantart.com/nightmare24… :iconnightmare247stock:

Rooftops: www.flickr.com/photos/frikitik…
Shop: www.flickr.com/photos/fpra/537…
Shop: www.flickr.com/photos/frikitik…
Rooftop: www.flickr.com/photos/frikitik…
Snow: www.flickr.com/photos/dvanhorn…
Ornaments: www.flickr.com/photos/katsuhir…
Snowman: www.flickr.com/photos/fpra/537…

Tree: www.deviantart.com/afarstock/a… :iconafarstock:

Snow: www.flickr.com/photos/chiefran…
Ground: www.flickr.com/photos/12599386…
Snow: www.flickr.com/photos/dvanhorn…

Mouse: www.deviantart.com/dani221/art… :icondani221:

Cat: www.deviantart.com/duzulek/art… :iconduzulek:
Snowing: www.deviantart.com/duzulek/art…

Cat: www.deviantart.com/charligal-s… :iconcharligal-stock:

Book: www.flickr.com/photos/popcultu…
Ornament: www.flickr.com/photos/frikitik…
Signboard: www.flickr.com/photos/lightern…

Rat: www.deviantart.com/moonglowlil… :iconmoonglowlilly:

Texture: www.deviantart.com/madamgrief-… :iconmadamgrief-stock:

Owl: www.deviantart.com/snowporing/… :iconsnowporing:

Model reading book: www.deviantart.com/malleni-sto… :iconmalleni-stock:

Model: www.deviantart.com/intergalact… :iconintergalacticstock:

Model: www.deviantart.com/persephones… :iconpersephonestock:

Shop: www.deviantart.com/sceptre63/a… :iconsceptre63:
Ornament: www.deviantart.com/sceptre63/a…
Owl: www.deviantart.com/sceptre63/a…

Tree: www.deviantart.com/alzirrswanh… :iconalzirrswanheartstock:

Snowing: www.deviantart.com/frostbo/art… :iconfrostbo:
Image size
2255x1080px 4.39 MB
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Beautiful of times past