Favourite genre of music: all kind of music...maybe, also that thing you are listening :) please share it!! Favourite photographer: Gabriel Figueroa, Witkin. Personal Quote: Hey man, hey man I only got 3 minutes to explain myself...
Favourite Visual Artist
J.G.Camarena, M.Covarrubias/Racrufi, J.O.Ladronn, Emmy. H. , Gus Rubio,Trucu.... and many more
Favourite Writers
T.Caldwell,Peter Singer,T. Pratchett,Dan Simmons,H.G.Wells,M. Altamirano,j. London.and many more
maybe this is my last dance ...Alguien sabe como mostrar imagenes en el journal?--------------------------------
METALERO: Real Cool Hero.
Realy i love all the arts, they are awesome!
-also, sometimes i think the most sublime of they are the music.-* Thanks to all who have someting for share in this wonderful world :love::star:-------------------------------------:star:
Hola, en esta ocacion, les venimos ofreciendo:
- La tableta Bamboo pen & touch. Para que los dibujitos y pintados sean mas facilitos.
- Las memorias ram DDr3 2G. Para que jale la maquinita.
- monitor SyccMaster753V 17" . Resulta buena para guiarse en colorcitos.
Mas info en http://dr-stain.deviantart.com/art/OFERTA-285805311?q=gallery%3Adr-stain&qo=0Bara, bara, bara.....PASELEEEEEEEEE.--------------------------------
METALERO: Real Cool Hero.
Nothing to say... to much to improve...little drama day and i dream on best time.
be prepared. for what?--------------------------------METALERO: Real Cool Hero.
:headbang: http://trucas.deviantart.com/gallery/27307208
http://metalero.utopiacomics.com/ :headbang:-------------------------------------:icontransparentplz::iconburningplz:
Realy i love all the arts, they are awesome!
-also, sometimes i think the most sublime of they are the music.-* Thanks to all who have someting for share in this wonderful world :love::star:---------------------...