ah... February... a time for love, rejection, and bargain sale chocolates..... while i don't have any valentines cards for you all, i do have.... SOME COOL NEW ARTISTS TO CHECK OUT!!
Coming up first with a nice handwritten card... it's RabidBunny1 (https://www.deviantart.com/rabidbunny1)!
Up next with a box of chocolates... it's Cyorck (https://www.deviantart.com/cyorck)!
And last but not least, floating on a heart-shaped boat, it's... arachnophonia (https://www.deviantart.com/arachnophonia)!
That's all for now folks! For all the folks with no plans for Valentines this year, I hope you have a lovely month regardless! For all those that do, I HOPE YOU EXPLODE REEEE!!! *explodes*