Big Brother Best FriendDownpourpony on DeviantArt

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Big Brother Best Friend



:iconbigmaceeyupplz: :iconapplejackplz:

Last image I have to submit for today at least is one I thought was very cute and it Mr. Big Mac and Lil' AJ
Though, I know, and feel that Big Mac would not actually be this large compared to AJ, nor would he be this much older than her, I couldn't help but think it was cute
regardless :blush:
so my apologies if this is a strange age and height difference, but honestly, I couldn't help myself :meow:
plus Big Mac is one of my fav characters so any excuse to draw him i will find it! :evillaugh:

AJ and Big Mac (C) Hasbro, etc. 2014
Art belongs to me (C) :icondownpourpony:
Image size
2304x1457px 2.97 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Downpourpony
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Cinnamon-Swirls's avatar
I find it very strange how you drew this in 2014 and your designs for younger Mac and AJ are pretty much identical to the show's interpretation.