G.i. joe fashionDougSQ on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dougsq/art/G-i-joe-fashion-49852754DougSQ

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G.i. joe fashion



This are the Joe girls in a
fashion shoot or something.
Cover Girl is wearing an american
flag long sleeve shirt and red pumps.
Jinx asian girl is wearing a short summer dress
with her Arashikage insignia on her dress with
Arashikage leather sandals.
Scarlet is wearing a retro dress similar to those
in the 40s during WW2.I added my own twist to it
open it up a bit.
Lady Jay is wearing a reaveling camouflauge
dress with high heel sandals.
They are standing over some hill overlooking
the ocean.Drew this in Feb,2007, this are all
my designs they have never appear on any
of the gi joe books.Here is a similar drawing
but this time its the Cobra girls[link]
Gi joe and Tomb Raider[link]
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1221x1812px 339.42 KB
© 2007 - 2025 DougSQ
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gfunk45's avatar
love that art style!