Gemellatadoublejota on DeviantArt

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doublejota's avatar




The gemellates are probably the most bizarre phylum of polizoans. What appear to be unique individuals, share the same genetic information and can not live without each other. Therefore, although they are not linked by any type of tissue, the present one is considered a single organism. Each of the components that make up the body has a function: the "head" collects the food and passes it to the second member, who will digest it. Later this second member will inject nutrients into the bodies of their companions. The third body is related to reproduction.

Each of their bodies remain close to each other, and to know their position they are able to communicate through radio waves. If any of them is lost or dies, the organism will die. Due the colony does not share tissues, it is the most primitive existing polizoans.

In the image, the enigmatic Mellizia moves in procession on the seabed. The last member is vestigial and no longer fulfills any function. All its components together measure 10 cm.

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wayoutdan's avatar

I had an idea like this once but never developed it very far.