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Klepsydroides terribilis is the largest representative of the suborder of the asymmetric amphimorphs, reaching one meter in length. It has a wide distribution throughout the reefs of Polinices, found generally from 5 to 100 meters deep. It swims using its four fins, which cannot be retracted unlike other amphimorphs. Its jet propulsion is not very developed and can only be done by the rear siphon. Its front siphon has suction capacity and a beak-shaped pseudojaw. They are voracious predators with a predilection for terribilivermian worms, which they trap inside crevices using their long forward siphon. They spend most of their time swimming vertically in the water column, but when they descend to the reefs for hunt, can swim tilted or nearly in a horizontal way in order not to damage their long fins. Its livery is generally pale with colorations ranging from gray to green, but it can increase the intensity of its red and blue patches in a matter of seconds when excited. They have solitary habits
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