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Doscaras's avatar

In your dreams



Remake of "A quiet world" (you can see it here: [link]) for a demo of a Spanish melodic metal band. The name of the band is "At the other side" and the title of the demo album is "In your dreams".

This time I had more time that the first work (that were made in an hour), so I was able to made the manipulation like I really wanted.


Girl: The beautiful :iconsabrine:. Thank you so much for give me your permission to make this picture again.
Clouds: Free stock photos from from [link] and personal stock.
Textures: Personal stock.

Hope you like it.
Image size
1334x1334px 1.24 MB
© 2007 - 2024 Doscaras
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OptionBB's avatar
Mira que aplacé el postear cuando lo vi hasta que se me pasó del todo...

Está genial. Cojonudo, de lo mejor que he visto tuyo. Las nubes, la chica, el montaje... me gusta mucho el enfoque que le da al grupo a primera vista, alejándose de la típica portada jebi recargada. Un sobresaliente, macho. :D

PD.- Puestos a criticar no me acaba de convencer la fuente del grupo. Está chula, pero quizás hay mucha diferencia entre letras, no se...