Tracker for Griffia Spring Carnival

7 min read

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Active Ticket entries


Active Tickets = 0

Unactive Ticket entries

Lucky lucky one time plucky (not winner, entry included simply for record keeping):…
Spring Dress up 1-9 by dorumon210 9/9 used
Silly silly dance move 1-9 by dorumon210 9/9 used
Vermin Fun 1-9 by dorumon210 9/9 used
Funny mirror house 1-11 by dorumon210 11/11 used
Food Tasting! 1-9 by dorumon210 9/9 active
Flower Child 1-9 by dorumon210 9/9 active
Pop A Bean Balloon 1-9 by dorumon210 9/9 active

Tickets spent = 65

Tier 0 Game entries

Lucky Doots:……

Tier 1 Game entries

Link any art made for these games. Also link to your comments you have posted for Comment based games here aswell.

Tier 2 Game entries

Round the Floops by dorumon210

Tier 3 Game entries

Golden Geo Gamble:…

Tier 4 Game entries

Wheel of Bean Fortune:…

Prizes recieved

Golden Geo Gamble: 1 small geoturra and 1 tamer bean…
Wheel of Bean Fortune: 1 star bean…
Carnival Booth: 1 swirl bean…

Any Griffian you own that has participated in this Carnival

126 - Welsh dragon by TheKingdomOfGriffia #126, Darren

Games I need to play:
Lucky Doots (weekly):  Lucky dootsHow it works
This is a weekly art Raffle.

3 winners per week.

1 drawing + 1 ticket
1 drawing
1 ticket
drawing will be given within 48 hours of the draw.

full body, colored, shaded drawing done by Lucky.

Rules for this game
Weekly Art Raffle
- Free to enter! but you will need at least one Griffia character to get the art!
- will open at the start of the week.
- comment on the weeks comment to get a number THIS WEEK'S COMMENT - TBA
- at the end of the week the winner will be revealed
- you must own a Griffia character to take part

Prizes include1 Full body drawing of your Griffia character by Lucky (@kandy-cube)

Mod Mess (Connie): Mod messRules for this game- Art has to be fullbody and colored
- You can enter more than once!
- Each time you enter it costs 1 ticket.
- Draw one of the mods Griffians underneath and at the end of the carnival, each mod will pick their favourite entry and gift  the following prizes
- Submit your art to the correct Tier folder -

Working at a carneval can be hard work! sometimes even the mods screw up in the most hilarious ways! Draw your entry by choosing one of the ones under.

@griffsnuff  With Foo  | PRIZE -  Supprise bagbean design + Supprise Fornlee design
Foo has brought an interest

The quest to repaint!:  The quest to repaint!Rules for this gameWith a dye bean, give Quest a makeover!

- Participating in this game costs 5 tickets
- Please submit all entries to the correct Tier folder
- Draw a fullbody version of Quest with the redesign of your choice
- Is he happy about it? or is he mad??
- new acessories? new hairstyle? its up to you!

= The top 5 winners will get x1  x25

To enter , comment under and fill out this form:
- Link to your Carnival Tracker :
- Link to the art for this game :

Companion poem (geotura, gem hopper, pararamus):  Companion poemRules for this game- Each entry into this game costs 5 tickets
- Write a 5 sentence poem of any of the companions below.
- Can only contain 1 companion per poem
- Cannot be more or less than 5 scentences.
- Your poem needs to be written as litterature and uploaded to the correct Tier folder

- Floophorse (any type)
- Cafluffle (any type)
- Bunblebee (any type)
- Gem hopper (any type)
- Geotura
- Paraglires (paramice or pararamus only)
- Anubias pixi (fifi only)
- Relicelk

Top 3 poems will recieve a custom companion that was mentioned in their poem designed by @griffsnuff ,@sindonic or @K

Carnival Booth (Swirl Bean): Carnival BoothHello, and welcome to the Carnival Booth! Here you can trade in your tickets for goodies, or buy tickets with money beans!!
Before you can trade, fill out the form below -

Link to Carnival Tracker:
Link to Money Bean Bank: (only if you're buying tickets)
Description of what you are trading in:

Buy tickets with Money beans/Peanut Money beans!
Comment under with your trade; once it has been approved and added to your 'Carnival Tracker' you can use your tickets.

x1  costs x5
x1  costs x1

Items in storage!
Any purchases made using tickets will NOT be added to the bank until AFTER the Carn
© 2017 - 2024 dorumon210
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