Christmas 2012

4 min read

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DorottyaS's avatar

Hi everyone

December is here and we are close to christmas so I think you deserve some surprises :)

First, here is my brand new Chocolate Lightroom Preste which is like a cup of hot chocolate for your pictures :) It has a lower price so I hope more people will be able to purchase it :)

Second, I give you a free preset with every preset pack this week :) It starts now and you'll be able to download the pack with the extra preset until next Sunday. I hope you will like my gift, the preset is called Touch of Heaven :aww:

After this offer experied, I will upload the Touch of Heaven preset too, and anyone can buy it for 20 points.

Between 10th and 15th December, you'll be able to buy some of my single presets with a discount. There will be every day a preset which will be cheaper than the others. I will tell you more information about it an other journal entry :)

I don't have too much plans for between 16th and 24th of December but I'm sure you will get a new and FREE preset pack :) I haven't give you any freebies nowadays so I guess, christmas is the right time for it :)

I was thinking of making a charity auction with some never released Lightroom Presets, but I'm not sure it will work so I don't know... Please, tell me if you would like to take part of a charity auction where I would give the money to a foundation.

So these are my plans :) What do you think about them?

Have a wonderful December! :heart:

© 2012 - 2024 DorottyaS
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