Big news

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DorottyaS's avatar
First, it's very surprising to write this journal with the Writer. When did this happen? I know I'm not writing to much in my journal, but still... Anyway, I hope it will be easier to edit my journal entries :)

But this isn't really important. The important thing is, that my website is working! Yes, I made a website in total secret :) It's not perfect yet, I don't have gallery at the moment, but it is a bigger problem and my boyfriend and I don't really have time to solve it. But if you know a great - and free - gallery for WordPress, don't be shy and share with me :)

Here is a little preview, just click on the picture to see my sweetie :) I was waiting for this place so long. The place, where are all my photoblog stuffs together, and I can write blog posts about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! I wan't to share so many thing with YOU! Photography tips, life style tips, opinions, inspiring stuffs and so much more! So please, check my website, and feel free to write comments :) And tell me what you think about it, because I really need help to make it a perfect place :)

So this is the big news! Writer is pretty good.

Have a wonderful day!
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CrayolaWasHere's avatar
It looks great :3