Best of June 2015

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DorotejaC's avatar

Hello member, watcher or guest of

First, sorry for my absence. The truth is, i don't have so much time anymore.
I'm so angry i can't do stuff i like/liked, because of know how this goes, right?.

I hope you are okey, good, super good.... ;)

Secondly, i gather some good photos a week or two ago, but i couldn't find the time to put a feature for a month of june together.
I will do my best to put together feature for jully next weekend.

Here is collection of photos, i chose as the BEST OF JUNE 2015.
All photos are from Photos of 2015.

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Annabelle-Chabert's avatar
Thank you very much for the feature ! I'm glad to be part of your beautiful selection :aww: