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gnome buuf theme



Sorry guy's but i claim this theme as dead, because i had a stressful time in the past and I have no clue on what has changed internally in gnome, because i had changed to KDE some time ago.

Please refer to OxayotlTheGreat theme :…

i decided to make my own buuf gnome theme
it includes nearby all stock icons used by evolution and a gaim smily theme :-)
some kde apps are also included

some mime icons might need some work, because i didn't added the text as an example for the cpp file
programming text files have an another icon than the normal text files...
so i think it will be ok...

hope you like it!!
btw it' s my first theme ^^
so don' t wonder if one or another icon is not the one you have expected...

thanks for the buuf theme icons by :iconmattahan:…

RENAME the file to buuf(dot)tar(dot)gz so it should be usable through the theme manager
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SamDeRe81's avatar
Yo beotch get to work on it again, Maverick is waiting