BatmanDookieAdz on DeviantArt

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CyrodilicPenguin's avatar
the Dark Lord Batman, forger of the One Ring of Justice, overthrew Sauron and took control of his dark forces. soon all of Middle Earth trembled in his name, both out of fear and admiration, for he sends out his spandex-clad orc known as Captain Robin the Colourful across the land, searching for the greatest bandits to ever walk Middle Earth, sometimes riding out himself aboard his winged, bat-faced steed. of them, the one known as the Joker, Madman of the North, proved himself to be his most hated enemy. yet, whenever the Joker was brought before him, he would release him. some whisper that the Dark Lord enjoys the thrill of hunting his enemy down before humiliating him in battle. others whisper that he is far more merciful than his title implies. however, it can be said that the Dark Lord Batman is not one to be trifled with, for he has felled many mighty foes with merely his fists, his intellect, and the occasional distraction provided by Captain Robin the Colourful.