The Best of 2018!

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DoodlingYankee's avatar
Happy New Year everyone! Thank you very much for the 30+ watchers, 1600+ pageviews, and many helpful and kind comments. Many Thanks! In 2018 I posted a total of 40 artworks, so here is what I consider the top 5 best of 2018!

5. Happy Froppy 
Happy Froppy by DoodlingYankee
I liked how this image turned out. I don't like to draw anime a lot because it can be hard and complex and takes a long time. However, this picture isn't that bad for a first time drawing this character.

4. Stromtroopers!
Stormtroopers! by DoodlingYankee
I tried to make a powerful and sad picture about the horrors of warfare by having a fellow soldier lose his friend in combat. The landscape, details, the blood, and the face of the horrific young German soldier is why I like this picture. It took me 3 days to finish this.

3. Belgian Soldier 1914
Belgian Soldier 1914 by DoodlingYankee
Not a lot of people know about the Belgian army in the First World War and how much they sacrificed in order to save their country from the German invaders and being involved in a war even thought they were first a neutral country. The Belgian and French had similar uniforms during the beginning of the war. I liked how I colored this image (it was originally going to be black and white). 

2. The Soviet House

Just a random idea that I did. Idk. I loved drawing the different uniforms and guns.  

1. Defenders of Communism
Defenders from Communism by DoodlingYankee
My most favorite in the year 2018! It took me 5 days to complete this picture about the Soviet-Polish war. Another topic not known to most because this war happened between the world wars. I liked the uniforms, scenery, and the facial expressions in the picture. 

Thank you all for a wonderful 2018 and hope that 2019 is going to be better!
© 2018 - 2024 DoodlingYankee
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Sturmtiger45's avatar
And a very happy new year to you thanks for the work!