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DonutMunchie's avatar

CheapOTA Kirin Adopts OPEN 2/8



I found these while sorting my files, they're from about a year ago and apparently I was going to make a batch of 30 or something. Decided to go ahead and sale what I had.


:bulletblue:Offer what you think is fair!
:bulletblue:Points only, minimal offer is 5 points.

- Edit however you'd like; colors, design, creature, etc etc
- You may resale/trade/gift
- Don't need to credit but if you want you can (DonutMunchie here/Toyhouse)
- You can tag me if you use, I'd love to see!

- Wait for my okay, then send the points, and I will send you a link to the unwatermarked transparent version :)
1. Thaina-Zanello
2. Andrewssupercoolarts
3. Andrewssupercoolarts
4. Andrewssupercoolarts
5. Crimsery
6. Thaina-Zanello
7. OPEN:bulletgreen:
8. OPEN:bulletgreen:

Lineart -…
Image size
1185x488px 88.52 KB
© 2020 - 2024 DonutMunchie
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GrandRedDragon's avatar

Can I get 2 3 4 for 50 points?