
Be the Miracle

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Be the grace.
The kindness of aid you wished for yourself in the darkest moments.
Suffering is easily masked by a smile,
A skill mastered by all those who live in this world.
Sanity ever crumbling to a scream that dares not escape, lest we lose face.
A feeling all too familiar.
Reject the bitterness towards your past that might stay your hand.
A stranger in need is blameless to your plight,
And your suffering does not justify theirs.
Hold to mercy, for yourself and those with whom you interact.
It is never wrong to try for another.
Other people are people too.

Be the listening.
To speak without thought aids no one.
Understand that it is not our job to fix everything.
There will be times when, no matter our intentions,
Words will fail us.
A perfect response is not the same as a genuine one.
For those mired in hopelessness,
An offering of understanding is the basic manner in which we show we care.

Be the patience.
That which is easy for you is not for everyone.
Failure is only a missed opportunity if nothing is gleaned from it.
Self-improvement is a lifelong quest,
Results, the product of relentless effort.
To struggle is to try,
An attempt that one’s heart might live honestly.
What is more admirable than that?

Be the straightforward.
Not every situation can be saved, nor every feeling spared.
A harsh truth, even unspoken, is often already understood by those who bear its cross.
So, lead with love.
Not everything needs to be a confrontation,
And not every confrontation needs to be harsh.
Speak from the heart,
A foundation built in the care of another,
Vacant of soapbox or pedestal,
Prepared in the understanding that best intentions are not always understood.
And that’s okay.

Be the selfless.
Generosity is more than just expecting nothing in return,
And self-importance matters less than you might think.
Finding fulfillment in the loving of others is one of life’s greatest treasures,
And a positive impact, no matter how small, will always outlast self-satisfaction.
Care for those without,
Removing yourself from any position that would let you take from those you aid.
A practice in self-sacrifice, devoid of pride or pretense.
In this manner, teaching oneself
How beautiful it is to live for others.

Be the steadfast.
Set the example for those that would follow.
Availability is a part of caring,
And caring is more than lip service.
Take time for yourself,
A lesson in reflection and self-love.
Asking for help is maintenance for the soul,
A gentle reminder that we are still human,
Chipped and eroding in harsh winds for so long it’s become second nature.
Steps along life’s paths teach us to feel for another’s soul.
Bolster your heart.
To feel another’s pain is to feel it yourself,
A learned skill that, at times, can be taxing.
Remember that a pillar which stands forever cannot stand alone,
And maintaining strength can be just as difficult as possessing it.

Finally, be the miracle.
The unexpected gift in a time of need,
A blessing that needs no explanation,
And isn’t always understood by its recipient.
Lead with grace and an open mind,
Understanding that we live in the age of viral negativity,
Spoon-fed a steady programming of apathy that requires no effort to learn.
Cruelty and anger have become knee-jerk responses to a world closing in on an emotional ice age,
Of which we are all victims.
So, shake yourself free.
Strive to be better,
Not because you are, but because you want to be.
Choose to care.
Dedicating your power to what moves your heart is what gives it life.
Deny the lie that says you can’t make a difference.
Doubt is a weed, but it need not take root.
Lastly, have faith in yourself.
Miracles are built on it.

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