Dontwannabemyself's avatar


To infinity and beyond!
80 Watchers32 Deviations
Traditional art - the most basic of all arts. Enjoy this little collection of wonderful traditional pieces. C:

Wet by AmBr0 For Alexandra by OlgaSternik Portrait of Tibetan woman making cheese 2 by william690c the wonderful gift by kamalky

Mature Content

'Beauty Mark' by briannatron87
Through The Iris III by 1nimra Light by FairyARTos Sketch study by alifann
The Child Cognition II by kamalky Arabesque (Lost in luxury) by Andette Medieval town by gaciu000 Remparts de Terrasson by nicolasjolly
Bo's history: Bo are waiting bus with the Monster. by mirt Zeno by robrey :thumb291653502: Before Sunset - CAT Watercolor Painting by RoryonaRainbow
Little Mermaid by DanielGrzeszkiewicz :thumb340639653: Tom Hiddleston2 by LazzzyV :thumb316558607:
The Native by ronmonroe Hamlet and Ophelia by ConfusedLarch

Mature Content

Growth by Miles-Johnston
'Frankie', by Jeff Stahl by JeffStahl

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so i decided to start a blog totally dedicated to art(history of art, architecture, design, etc.). feel free to visit.:>
my personal blog about everything that inspires me:
nad my tumblr.:>

sorry for spam. anyway i have a lot of work/but i tend to do nothing./ i'm in my final year so i need to prepare for my exams in late spring. i try to draw as much as i can but i'm just to exhausted after school that usually i do nothing,not even my homework. fortunately they don't give us much homework this year.

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just for fun.

2 min read
[x] You enjoy reading
[x] You like playing games
[ ] You have/had a cat
[x] You can be curious at times
[x] You dislike homework/studying
Total: 4

White Rabbit
[x] You hate being late
[ ] You like leading the way
[x] You're always checking the time
[ ] You're always late
[ ] You may not be brave, but you're not foolish either
Total: 2

Tweedle-Dee/Tweedle Dum
[x] You enjoy telling stories
[ ] You like entertaining others
[ ] You have an identical twin
[ ] You think you're right at times, even if you're not
[x] You can act immature
Total: 2

[x] You're quite intelligent
[ ] You smoke
[x] You sometimes criticize others
[ ] You think life would be better being small
[ ] You sometimes use riddles to keep people questioning for amusement
Total: 2

Cheshire cat
[x] You grin a lot.
[x] You enjoy riddles
[x] You are helpful, but a trickster
[x] You sometimes appear just out of nowhere to some people
[ ] You like climbing trees
Total: 4

Mad Hatter
[x] You enjoy tea
[x] You like wearing hats
[x] People think your mad/crazy
[x] You make your own clothes
[x] You can be goofy at times
[x] You dress wildly
[x] you sometimes say things that are really out there
Total: 7 /it's not fair because there're more things to check for mad hatter than other characters.;d

Red Queen
[ ] You come from royalty
[ ] You like the color red
[ ] You enjoy watching death
[ ] You like giving orders
[ ]  You may find yourself being bossy a lot
Total: 0

White Queen
[x] You love animals and nature
[ ] You like the color white
[ ] You like winter
[ ] You are very kind, and gentle
[ ] You don't like violence, and try to avoid it as much as possible
Total: 1

so it seems that i'm mad hatter.xd yay!;D

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3 min read
so i got tagged by navera, actually it's been a long time since i've been tagged or even i've written a journal. so here we go.

1. You must post these rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
4. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
5. No tag backs.
6. No crap in tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this." You have to tag 10 people

1. Why did you created you dA account? far as i remember my friend told me about this site and i decided to join.i don't really remember why.

2. What do you wish you could change about yourself?
i whis i was a little bit taller and skinny.

3. Do you prefer digital or traditional works?
i don't know. it depends what kind of work.

4. What do you think of your friends?
and what should i think?

5. Free time activities?
drawing. tumbling. reading.

6. Have you ever thought about being fulltime artist/author? Why?
yes.i'd love to be a freelance artist one day, just because i love drawing/creating and i suck at everything else.

7. What inspires you?

8. What is the weirdest thing you've ever done?
can't think of one now.

9. Do you like games? What kind and which game is your favourite? (PC/boardgames/video games/RPG/MMORPG, etc.)
i'm not really into games, because i'm too lazy to download, install and play them, but i used to love heroes of might and magic, the sims etc.

10. Feel free to write whatever you want here.

next questions.
1.what's your favourite media (pencils, paints, photoshop, etc.)?
2.what do you think about contemporary art?
3.if you could spend 2 weeks of your holidays anywhere, where would you go? why?
4.what kind of books do you like?
5.what's the hardest part of the day for you?(getting up, going to school, etc.) you think there's life somewhere in the universe except earth? you think that the apocalypse will come this year?
8.what's your plan to survive the apocalypse?
9.what's your plan for a zombie attack?;D
10. write whatever you like(f.e. you can say what you think about these questions and think of better ones.;d)

i tag.
+and whoever wants to do it.

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i'm stuck with work. and i got this stupid idea of studying digital art, but as i have no time to practice there is no way i could study it._.
well i'm also drowning in work for school._. and i have almost no time for myself and if i have i'm so tired that i'm not able to do anything.

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traditonal art feature. by Dontwannabemyself, journal

Devious Journal Entry by Dontwannabemyself, journal

just for fun. by Dontwannabemyself, journal

tagged. by Dontwannabemyself, journal

Devious Journal Entry by Dontwannabemyself, journal