Today we eat crocDontknowwhattodraw94 on DeviantArt

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Today we eat croc



A Ceratosaurus snatches a crocodilian from a sandy river-bank.
Ceratosaurs are my favorit dinosaurs and it was really time to draw one in its natural environment. The specie I had in mind for this drawing is C. dentisulcatus.
So, here you can see him catching a meal. Because he wasn't a very big Jurassic theropod (only 6-8 metres long) and he had short legs he had to be aware of the apex predators like Allo- and Torvosaurus. Also he had a more longer and flexible body and a deeper tail which made him a better swimmer than his contemporary rivals. Because of this we think he filled in another niche in his environment: sort of piscivor-ish, eating also other aquatic animals. Of course he can also hunt smaller dinosaurs or scavenge meals from other bigger theropods I guess. And those enormous teeth (who are now driven into the poor reptile's chest) can deliver great damage too causing you to bleed to death so that's also usefull if you want to hunt something big...
Anyway, I followed the aquatic animal hunter thing for this drawing, letting him live near rivers where he can be pretty opportunistic.
Gave him bright colours so lets say he's a male. Females are more modestly coloured.

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The Late Kimmeridgian when an ecosystem had 4 1+ ton land predators in one ecosystem.....(though that pales in comparison to Kem Kem)